Good corporate tag lines:
Fed Ex: The World on Time
Coke: The Pause that Refreshes
New crop of callow, unimaginative copy:
Amazon: And You’re Done (menace)
Circuit City: We’re With You (contempt)
McDonald’s: I’m Lovin’ It (glib; fake jive talkin’)
CVS: Care That Touches Everyone . . . One at a Time (creepy)
CVS: Expect Something ExtRxa
*The Rx symbol embedded in this copy reflects what constitutes a battleground of competition between oligopolies.
CVS is really called “CVS/Pharmacy (department within)”
*While chains are trying to provide all services for their one-stop customers, this almost legalistic slash and parenthesis plays a game in which CVS can both be a pharmacy, but not just a pharmacy, synonymous and synonymous plus. This slash reminds me of what the ancients called “clinamen,” the little swerve that instigates distinction out of the void, creates the universe from the nothing/everything of its beginning. Rx is also the sign of Jupiter, Zeus pater, Rex Dei, king of the gods. Places such as Wal*Mart and CVS, in trying to have everything have become like Zeus, “kingbody of everything wheeling into one.” The trick is maintaining the distinctions that keep reality from falling back into the void, from the everything back to the nothing.
*Everybody is trying to be the all. Everybody is trying to be everything.
From an Orphic fragment:
Zeus says to Eternal Night, “How shall I be and have one and all and each thing separately?” Night: “Swallow everything.”